Time to leave Dehli

 So after three fun packed days it's time to head for Jaipur.  Just need to catch an over night train from New Delhi station.  Confirmed twice with the hostel manager that New Delhi was correct, and hey, the train e-ticket said the same.......... Ahhhhhh Delhi, just when you thought you had got out on top......  No, turns out it is Old Delhi station, and there's not enough time to get across town to make it...... Go to the ticket counter.  "No, you'll have to go to this travel agent".  This travel agent says, "No train for 5 days, no buses.  You'll have to take private taxi, RS7000".  Sorry, no.  After 20 mins and several long winded phone calls turns we could get a bus.  So we ended up on a pretty dirty local sleeping coach.  Paid 4 times what we should, but hey, we made it to the Pink City and are welcomed by a very lovely hostel.